About Us
We are specialised in the impregnation of high-quality activated carbons for air treatment. With many years of experience and perfected know-how, we can respond rapidly to the specific needs of each customer. We produce optimised, tailor-made products of high quality.
Together with our customers, we develop individual solutions and products fitting their specific needs.

Impregnation of Activated Carbons
Personal protection is the primary use of our impregnated activated carbon specialities. However, we are able to adapt them according to application requirements and customer preferences.
We appreciate to assist our customers and partners in the development of future product applications.
We develop high-quality and effective products in cooperation with our partners and manufacture them at competitive prices in Switzerland (in the middle of Europe). We strive to continuously reduce CO₂ emissions from all our business activities.
Our products are available in various grain size ranges and are suitable for a wide range of applications. This gives our customers the highest possible flexibility in designing their products.